Make Room for Resilience

In response to the urgent needs arising from the ongoing conflict in Israel, Place2Heal has swiftly shifted its focus to address the pressing requirements of our nation. We are directing our expertise and resources towards collaborating with Wolfson Medical Center to establish a Resilience Room—a critical initiative to support the unsung heroes of this war, the dedicated medical staff.
We need your generous support to make it happen.

We revitalize treatment spaces within Israeli hospitals to foster positivity and wellness. Currently, we're building a Resilience Room for the surgical team at Wolfson Medical Center. These dedicated individuals are the epitome of courage, tirelessly preserving lives amidst chaos, witnessing and healing the unimaginable.Their unwavering dedication to healing shines even in the darkest hours. They need us. Let's support them.
This Resilience Room, our current flagship project, will serve as a sanctuary for those tirelessly serving on the frontlines of healing amidst the chaos of war. Designed to provide essential support and rejuvenation, this innovative space will feature areas for mental and physical therapy, yoga, meditation, counseling, and group discussions. It aims to create a nurturing environment that fosters unity among the diverse medical staff, acknowledging their shared traumatic experiences while promoting healing and well-being.
Drawing on our commitment to Evidence-Based Healthcare Design (EBHD), we are dedicated to transforming this space into a beacon of hope and resilience. With state-of-the-art facilities, thoughtful design elements, and amenities aimed at enhancing comfort and tranquility, the Resilience Room stands as a testament to our unwavering dedication to supporting those who dedicate their lives to saving others. Join us in this urgent mission to provide solace and healing to the courageous heroes of Wolfson Medical Centre.

Want more details about what we do? Find the latest updates about how our work is helping make an impact. We invite you to learn more about our efforts and help spread the word about our important cause.

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